Tel: 306-843-3184

RM of Buffalo Survey
The RM of Buffalo is asking Ratepayers to participate in a quick 3 question survey in regards to an Annual Meeting
Please click the link below to submit your responses.

Brett McIntosh, Nominated for the Office of Reeve;
John Heilman, Nominated for the Office of Councilor Division No. One;
Aaron Agar, Nominated for the Office of Councilor Division No. Three;
Blake Wakelin, Nominated for the Office of Councilor Division No. Five.
Are the only candidates, I hereby give notice no voting for this office will take place on November 13th 2024
Dakota Pilat, Returning Officer

Who We Are
Professional & Reliable
The R.M. of Buffalo is located approximately 35 minutes south-west of North Battleford, and it's name is derived from the Buffalo that roamed the prairies.
The R.M. was incorporated in 1910 with a population of 600 and approximately 160 resident farmers. At the time there there were 3 hamlets within the R.M.Â
In 2000 the R.M of Prairie No. 408 was dissolved and split into the R.M.'s of Battle River and Buffalo, making the R.M. of Buffalo 1,222.08 square kilometers in size.
Located on Grid 787 in the R.M. is the Big Rock Heritage site. The giant rock was dropped by a receding glacier and became a directional landmark, important to the pioneers and cree.
Currently, the R.M. of Buffalo has a population of 420 persons which includes 173 private dwellings.

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Closed Weekends and Holidays